Beachhead Market: LVAD patients

  • 25% of LVAD patients develop post-operative right heart failure (RHF) .

  • Elevated CVP and congestion are primary contributors to RHF.

  • Hemodynamic monitoring and CVP optimization are essential for managing and preventing RHF.

  • The VenoDynamics System can peri- and post-operatively monitor and control CVP to reduce the risk of RHF.

  • Heart failure begins when the heart does not efficiently pump blood to the body.

  • Blood flow (cardiac output) decreases and the volume load on the heart (preload) increases.

  • The kidneys perceive the body to be dehydrated due to reduced cardiac output

  • The kidneys respond by holding on to blood volume leading to congestion

Expansion Market: Congestive Heart Failure

Current Solution

  • The gold standard of care is pharmaceutical intervention - primarily loop diuretics.

  • The goal of this medication is to offload fluid through increased urine output - decreasing congestion and alleviating pressures on the heart and lungs.

  • More than 20% of patients will develop diuretic resistance.

  • Finding the correct dosage takes time that some patients do not have - especially end-stage heart failure patients receiving a Left Ventricular Assist Device (LVAD) or transplant.

  • Our solution is to mechanically reduce congestion and promote diuresis with a simple, minimally invasive procedure.

  • By reducing the pressure around the renal veins and lowering cardiac preload, the kidneys resume their natural function and begin offloading fluid volume.

  • Partially occluding the vena cava with a standard large-vessel occlusion balloon creates a pressure gradient that lowers central venous and renal pressures.

  • Our closed-loop monitoring system monitors these pressures and cardiac output to optimize patient hemodynamics and promote diuresis.

VenoDynamics Solution